Mr. Sudz



About the company

Mr. Sudz Window Washing was founded during the summer of 2011 by Danny Gaddis, Henry Heyman, and William Grubb. The three of us were students at Boulder High School in the beautiful city of Boulder, Colorado. After graduating, I (Danny Gaddis) stayed in Boulder to study marketing at the University of Colorado, while Henry and Will moved to Seattle to study at the University of Washington. Throughout our time in college we all reunited every summer in Boulder to continue providing our services to new and returning customers. Through various connections we also made business trips to San Francisco and were able to create another successful network of clients. Will and Henry have since moved on to other ventures but I decided to bring the company with me wherever I went.

After living in Boulder for 24 years I decided to move to California. My true passion lies in music and music production; the skills and experience I’ve gained over the years washing windows provides a way to help support my dreams. Having worked in hundreds of different homes, customer satisfaction has always been the most important and upheld essence of our service. While many other window cleaning companies will employ just about anyone to work for them, I now work alone and thus am able to provide and maintain the highest level of quality, which I diligently expect from myself.



Years ago I worked for another window washing company to see what I could learn and take away from the experience. I would be working at the pace I always had since I began washing windows years before, and was consistently asked to hurry up and catch up to the other employees speed. I simply replied back to him, “Go look at all of the windows I cleaned today, then look at the windows the other guys cleaned and let me know who did a better job.” We walked around the house as I pointed out streak after streak on the other guys’ windows. I said, “What’s the point of cleaning a window if you can tell it’s not actually clean?” He replies, “I respect that but nobody ever actually looks that close anyways.” I realized then and there, that was his market. My target market is people who truly want the cleanest windows possible and know they’re getting what they’re paying for. Quality always trumps quantity.

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